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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Countering More Anti-Moslem Bigotry. I don't know what Billy G's bugaboo is about Islam, but he sent out more anti-Moslem propaganda, this time from a supposed Dutch person concerned that Europe is soon to be taken over by Moslems. You should be able to infer, from my replies, the arguments made, without my repeating the slanders and absurdities.
RIDICULOUS. Don't waste my, or anyone else's, time on such nonsense. Europe is NOT being Islamicized. There are 830 MILLION PEOPLE in Europe; the largest Moslem community in Western Europe is in France, which is only 5%-10% Moslem! (https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/fr.html). The Netherlands is 5.8% Moslem, Germany 3.7%, Britain 2.7%. Italy is 90% Roman Catholic, and the remaining 10% includes all others, Protestants, Jews, and Moslems. Spain is 94% Catholic, and all others fit within the remaining 6%. On and on thru the list of European countries we can go. Russia is only 15-20% Moslem, despite its having annexed, during the days of the Russian Empire, places like Chechnya whose ancestral religion was Islam. Poland has so few Moslems that the CIA World Factbook doesn't even mention them! The alarmist whose propaganda you quote mentions Malmo, Sweden. But what about Sweden generally? This is what the Factbook says of religions in Sweden:
Lutheran 87%, other (includes Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Baptist, Muslim, Jewish, and Buddhist) 13%
13% for all others than Lutherans, with Moslems mentioned FOURTH.
This is the same crap we hear in this country about Hispanics taking over and changing our official language to Spanish. All bullshit.
Population projections 90 years out are nonsense. Pure, idle speculation. And trying to ascertain either the attitudes of Europeanized Moslems or the number of conversions OUT of Islam to their neighbors' religion is impossible. Moreover, if Europe doesn't want an ever larger Moslem population, all they have to do is pass laws to exclude them from immigration. There is no RIGHT to immigrate to Europe. And, as I have said, if Europe wants Christian immigrants, it has Latin America, a region of 570 million Christians, to pull from.
The issue of sharia courts in Britain is indeed troubling to people who come from a country in which church and state are separate, but Britain is not such a country. A Times of London story about these sharia courts says:
Under the act, the sharia courts are classified as arbitration tribunals. The rulings of arbitration tribunals are binding in law, provided that both parties in the dispute agree to give it the power to rule on their case. ***

[Sheikh Faiz-ul-Aqtab Siddiqi, whose Muslim Arbitration Tribunal runs the courts, said "] This method is called alternative dispute resolution, which for Muslims is what the sharia courts are." ***

Jewish Beth Din courts operate under the same provision in the Arbitration Act and resolve civil cases, ranging from divorce to business disputes. They have existed in Britain for more than 100 years, and previously operated under a precursor to the act.
Is that alarmist indignant that Britain has had Jewish courts for over 100 years?
If Europeans value their citizenship so little as to let foreigners/dual nationals hold government posts, then why should we care about them more than they do about themselves? The United States apparently permits dual citizenship, meaning dual loyalty, and Congress needs to outlaw it here, for anyone, of any religion, be they Canadian, British — anything. One country or another. Choose, and renounce the other.
As for Moslems coming to conquer Europe, I rather doubt many have that intent. But we were content to see Jews do that to Palestine. Why should we suddenly become indignant about Moslems doing to parts of Europe what Jews — from Europe! — did to almost all of Palestine? What's sauce for the goose is indeed sauce for the gander. And if Moslems must be stopped in taking over parts of Europe, then the Jewish takeover of Palestine must be reversed.
As for Muhammed murdering a Jewish tribe, why don't you read about what the Jews did to the Jewish tribe of Benjaminites:
The entire tribe of Benjamin, women and children included, was almost wiped out by the other Israelite tribes after the Battle of Gibeah. The remnant of the tribe was spared and allowed to marry women of another town, whose husbands had been killed, to enable the tribe to continue. (Judges 19-21)
As for Islam being a political system, may I remind you of something called the "Papal States"? How about "Their Catholic Majesties" of Spain, Ferdinand and Isabella? The wars between Protestant and Catholic monarchies?
"Islam wants to dictate every aspect of life." EVERY religion wants to do that. Judaism has 613 rules for living. They affect every single aspect of life, from what you eat to when or if you cut your hair or wear a hat.
The guy you cite admits he has lived in Israel. He is a JEW, and a Radical Zionist. No sensible person listens to JEWS to get to the truth of Islam. He asserts that Islamic hatred for Israel is a desire for war not against Israel to retake stolen Palestine, but a war on the West. Why would he say that? Because he wants the West to fite for Israel. He, like all Radical Zionists, would be happy as a clam if all the Christians and all the Moslems killed each other off and left the world to the Jews. That is not the slitest overstated.
His assertion that Jews are fiting the West's war and keeping the West safe is not just insane but also laffable in its absurdity. The 1.2 BILLION rich and massively armed people of the Christian West (not, for this purpose, counting Latin America, tho Latin America is obviously Western) are being protected by 5 million Jews! Of COURSE they are. A BILLION-plus Christians could never protect themselves. No. But 5M Jews can stop OVER a billion Moslems. Of course they can. Don't you see how insane that is? Or how preposterously, patently dishonest?
It is not Israel that is defending us but we who are defending Israel, and everybody knows it — which is precisely why WE were targeted for the 9/11 attacks.
Israel is not the West. The religion of the West (devout or cultural) is Christianity. Israel is not in Europe but in Asia. It has NOTHING TO DO with the West. It seeks to pass itself off as a Western country to get the West to defend it. We have no reason to buy that lie, nor to defend Israel from the fully foreseeable consequences of its own monstrous crimes.
He asserts that reconquering Palestine would not in any way reduce the anger of Islam. That's akin to telling people to ignore that bur under the saddle. The horse will stay angry whether you remove the bur or not.
"The lights may go out in Europe faster than you can imagine", says that Jewish agent provocateur. But didn't he say earlier that it would take 90 years for Moslems to become a demographic majority in "Europe"? And by "Europe", did he mean that Moslems will become a majority in each and every country, including Poland, Italy, Spain, Russia, Belarus, and the Ukraine? Or just that in some countries there would be few while in others, many? It makes a difference.
He again displays his Jewish arrogance and agenda when he speaks of "the heritage of Rome, Athens and Jerusalem". May I remind you that Rome DESTROYED Judea? That is the real heritage of the West: a tolerant Empire tired of the endless revolts by violent Jews, retaliated with overwhelming force, destroyed their Temple, and scattered the defeated across the Empire, OUT of Palestine. Might we have to do the same?
Israel is prepared to fite Islam to the last American! We mustn't fall into that trap.
That anyone should pass along such vicious bigotry is bad enuf. That a homosexual man in the United States should spend so much time attacking Islam when it is Judaism's Leviticus that is used by Rightwing Christians to oppress gay men is disgraceful.

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